Friday, January 2, 2009

2 million people are gonna go where?

It looks like the Presidential Inaugural Committee is doing everything they can to scare the pants off people planning to come to Obama’s inauguration. First our mayor suggested we could have up to 4,000,000 people coming into town. (Never mind that the entire Mall would hold about half that.) Now the Committee has sent out a press release warning about crowding, cold temperatures, long security lines, long lines for metro, closed bridges and roads, traffic jams, and long walks from wherever in the world you're planning to park.

If you're unfortunate enough to have tickets in the standing room only area, you're being asked to be on site by 9:30, two hours before the inauguration begins. You can't take backpacks or baby strollers into the viewing area, and there may be some issues with letting you in and out to use 'the facilities.' If you live within 2 miles, better make that 3 miles, of the Mall, you’re expected to walk.

So basically if you’re young and fit – c’mon down, just don’t bring any children along. If you’re older but can walk several miles and stand in extreme cold weather for up to 6 hours, you’re welcome too. A senior citizen . . . hmmm, how’s your bladder?

Now officials have revised their estimates, and we expect up to 2,000,000 people to line the length of the mall from 4th Street (where the official ticket holder crowd ends) to the Lincoln Memorial. There will be jumbo screens set up the entire length of the mall and plenty of port ‘o’ pots. Us regular folks can bring backpacks, strollers, whatever, and show up when we want. We won't have to go through security either. So bring a blanket and some snacks to share.

Oh, one tip – stick together. We're being told cell phone systems may be overloaded that day.

I wouldn’t miss this for the world! Look for me – I may need a snack or a working cell phone.

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